5ENThema:Safety instructions and precautionsSafety instructions andprecautions! Handling by stop onlyTo avoid any accidents please don'thandle the unit while you driving. Pleasestop and park the vehicle at safetyplace and handle the unit casually.! InstallationPlease read the following manualcarefully before you install the unit. Werecommend you to let the technicianinstall the unit in your vehicle.! Regular loudnessPlease set the loudness of the unit tothe appropriate level so you were stillable to hear exterior noises especiallytraffic warning signals. Furthermore thehigher loudness level can damage yourhearing organs.! Repair of the unitDo not open the unit. Do not try torepair the unit by yourself due to anyemerging technical problems. Whileopening the unit by yourself exists thedanger to be electrocuted.Do not use the unit any further sinceyou detect any kind of technicalproblems.Leave all the repair operations toprofessional technicians.Due to flawed warranty seal thewarranty becomes invalid.! Power supplyUse the unit connected only to 12 Volton-board power supply. The minus (-)should be connected with the ground(GND) (negative).Due to the wrong configuration existsthe danger of fire. In case of doubtplease consult with professional techni-cians.! Replacement of fusesWhile replacing the fuse please makesure that the new fuse has the sameproperties as the old one, especially theamperage.! OverheatingDo not occlude the vent holes to avoidthe heat generation and accumulationin the unit. Otherwise exists the dangerof fire.! Regular temperaturePlease make sure that the temperatureinside the vehicle amounts to not lower-10°C or more than +40°C.If it's too cold or hot inside the vehicle,do not turn the unit on until the insidetemperature of the cabin increases ordescends.