WorkCentre 7220-7225 Information Assurance Disclosure PaperVer. 1.0, January 2013 Page 52 of 614.8.2. Enabling FIPS 140 Mode1. In CentreWare IS, click Properties > Security > Encryption > FIPS 140-2.2. Click Enable.3. Click Run Configuration Check and Apply. A pass or fail message appears. If the configuration check passes,click Reboot Machine to save and restart the printer. If the configuration check fails, the reasons for the failedtest are listed in a table with links to disable the protocol, replace the certificate, modify or acknowledge theCertificate Key Length, or allow the printer to use the non-compliant protocol. After non-compliancesacknowledged or disabled, re-run the FIPS compliance check and reboot to enable FIPS.NOTE: When FIPS 140 Mode is enabled, only FIPS compliant certificates can be installed on the printer.4.9. Email Signing and Encryption to SelfThe device is capable of signing and encrypting emails when the user is authenticated to the device using a CAC,.NET or PIV smart card containing appropriate signing and encryption certificates. The device allows signing tomultiple recipients using the SHA256 hash algorithm. The device allows encryption to the authenticated user only,supporting 3DES and AES encryption.When enabled, the configuration options allow the system administrator the flexibility for the user to choose signingand encryption on a job by job basis, or require one or the other for all jobs.NOTE: The crypto algorithms used for smart card authentication, signing and encryption are not FIPS validatedin the launch version of software.4.10. Software Self TestThe Software Self Test features allows an administrator to initiate a test from CentreWare Internet Services (WebUI) to ensure that none of the static files on the device have been altered since they were installed. TheAdministrator will receive a Pass/Fail response. The test will take into account any Software Upgrades that havebeen performed. The test is based on a checksum generation of the files.