Operator Guide 1- 29OverviewTape drives overviewThe DocuPrint 100/115/135/155/180 EPS supports several typesof tape drives that may be used to load resources (forms, fonts,etc.) or to submit offline LCDS print jobs.The 26-track cartridge tape drive, provided with your XeroxDocuPrint 100/115/135/155/180 EPS, can be used only to importresources to the system disk. 9-track and 36-track tape drives canbe used to submit print jobs to the DocuPrint EPS, or loadresources.The DocuSP Tape Client software enables transmission of datafrom a cartridge or open reel tape to the DocuPrint EPS controllervia the Socket gateway.26-track cartridgetape drive (QIC) (forresource loadingonly)The 4 GB external SCSI quarter inch cartridge (QIC) tape drive isan external device provided with the Xerox DocuPrint 100/115/135/155/180 EPS. The cartridge tape drive connects to thecontroller through the SCSI port on the processor back panel.Like the diskette and DVD drives, this tape drive is not an inputsource for print jobs or for any other data or application. You canuse it to load resource files, and the service representative uses itto load system maintenance files or to save diagnosticinformation.Figure 1-21 26-track cartridge tape drive (QIC)36-track cartridgetape driveAn 18/36-track cartridge tape drive is an option. You can use thisdrive to load resources and to submit offline LCDS print jobs.