September 2001 88XX Series Folder Operator Manual 41Clearing Bridge JamsWhen the folder emits a single alarm tone and stops, there is probably astrip of media stuck on the bridge.112619To clear the jam:1. Open the bridge door (A).2. Insert the safety lever (B).3. Remove the media.4. Close the bridge door.5. Press Reset.Clearing Fan Folder JamsManual Eject ProcedureWhen the folder emits a double tone, there is a jam located in the FanFolder. The folder will try to clear the jammed print automatically. If theprint is not cleared, perform the following steps.1. Press and hold the “Reset” key for more than two seconds. Therollers will then rotate, and the Control Display will show themessage “MANUAL EJECT - PLEASE SURVEY THEFOLDER”2. Release the Reset key to stop the rollers, (Press the “Reset” key torestart the rollers.)− The jammed print should exit the folder.3. When the jam has been cleared, wait five seconds and press the“Reset” key for less than two seconds to return the folder to normaloperating conditions.NOTE. If the print is not cleared, proceed with Clearing Upper andLower Pocket Jams or Clearing Mobile Roller Jams.AB