12-27Creating A Script FileThe following example will place data contained in the variable data1 into cellslocated at row 1 column 1 through row 2 column 3 inclusive, with no channelspecified (assuming the DDE partner is an Excel spreadsheet):dde poke data1 "R1C1:R2C3"DDE REQUESTSyntax: DDE REQUEST - []
Requests that information relating to an item is assigned to a variable name, where is a string containing the name of the item from which information isrequested. is the name of a string variable (see var) in which the information is tobe stored. is the name of the integer variable identifying the particular channel forthe DDE link if specified by the dde initiate command, otherwise thisis omitted.The following example will request that data contained in cells located at row 1column 1 through row 2 column 3 inclusive is to be placed in the variable data1,with no channel specified (assuming the DDE partner is an Excel spreadsheet):dde request "R1C1:R2C3" data1DECSyntax: DEC [...]Decreases the integer or floating point number assigned to the specified variable(s)by one.DECRYPTSyntax: DECRYPT Decrypts a string previously encrypted by the encrypt command, where is a previously defined string variable (see var) which will store thedecrypted string. is a string or string variable containing the hexadecimal characters todecrypt. is one or more characters that were used to define the originalencryption.The Error Numbers section lists the possible error numbers for this command.