IntroductionChapter 1 1CChhaapptteerr 11:: IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONNThe XTRALINK IP provides Ethernet to Serial connections for RS-232,RS-422 or RS-485 devices. The XTRALINK IP features a single serialport. The serial port can be accessed over a LAN/WAN using Direct IPMode, Virtual COM Port, or Paired Mode connections. The 10/100Mbps Ethernet connection auto-selects 10BaseT or 100BaseTX andindicates the type of connection with a bi-color link light.Figure 1. XTRALINK IPFeatures• Multi-interface serial portso XTRALINK IP and Port 1 software selectable for RS-232, RS-422, RS-485 (DIP Switch selects Console Mode)• 10/100 Mbps Ethernet with Auto SelectionIntroduction2 Chapter 1• LAN and WAN Communications• TCP or UDP Client or Server operation - configurable• Software Support - Windows 98/ME/2000/XP or NT 4.0• Firmware Upload for future revisions/upgrades• Configuration of Ethernet and serial port settings can beaccomplished using any of four methods:o XTRALINK IP IPRS23202 Manager Software forWindows allows configuration via a network connectionor directly from the Ethernet port of a computer (using anEthernet crossover cable).o Web Server allows configuration via the network usingany web browser.o Telnet allows configuration via the network by accessingthe setup configuration menu.o Console Mode allows configuration through an RS-232serial port in using a VT100 Terminal Emulation programand an RS-232 crossover cable.• Virtual COM Driver Software for Windows - installs virtualCOM ports, viewable in the Windows Device Manager underPorts (COM & LPT). Virtual COM port provides access to any ofthe ports on the XTRALINK IP and, like any other serial port(legacy, PCI, USB or PCMCIA) on the computer. Any programrunning on the computer and using Windows-based COM portscan access the serial devices attached to the XTRALINK IP. TheLAN becomes transparent to the serial device and the softwarerunning on the PC.• Heart Beat Connection - selectable protocol ensures reliablecommunications in Virtual COM Port or Paired Connectionmodes. This feature restores the connections if communications aretemporarily lost at either end due to loss of power or the Ethernetconnection.Communication ModesThe XTRALINK IP enables communication with serial devices over aLAN or WAN. Serial devices no longer are limited to a physicalconnection to the PC COM port. They can be installed anywhere on theLAN using TCP/IP or UDP/IP communications. This allows traditionalWindows PC software access to serial devices anywhere on theLAN/WAN network.