1AccessoriesINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSDESCRIPTIONThe INJ94 injects and the CPL94B extracts IR control signals on the same coaxial cable that carries TV orother RF signals, using the patented Xtra Link™ principle.Located in Remote Rooms, the INJ94 injects the remote control signal into the room-to-room coaxial cable(along with the TV signal) and passes it to a CPL94B or CPL10 Coupler in the Main Room or equipmentarea. It is designed specifically so that Xantech IR Receivers having 3.5mm stereo mini plugs may beplugged in directly to the IR RCVR jack. The 2.1mm +12 V coaxial jack also provides quick connection ofthe Xantech 781RG power supply.Located in the Main Room or equipment area, the CPL94B extracts the remote control signal from thecoaxial cable and passes it to the emitters that control the source equipment. Any of the Xantech singleor dual emitters may be plugged directly into the 3.5mm mono mini EMITTER jacks, in any combination,for control of up to four components.SPECIFICATIONSINJ94 Injector:• "F" coaxial connector jacks for TV and INPUT signals.• 3.5mm IR RCVR stereo mini jack for quick connection of Xantech IR Receivers having 3.5mm stereo miniplugs.• 2.1mm +12 V jack for connection of the Xantech 781RG Power Supply.• Dimensions: 2-3/16" x 1-3/8" x 7/8" (case).CPL94B Coupler:• "F" coaxial connector jacks for SAT/VCR and REMOTE TV signals.• Two 3.5mm EMITTER mono mini jacks, with 470 Ohm series resistors, for quick connection of twoXantech single or dual emitters.• Dimensions: 2-3/16" x 1-3/8" x 7/8" (case).INSTALLATIONFIG. 3 illustrates a typical installation using two INJ94's and a CPL94B in a three room system.When configuring these types of systems, keep the following factors in mind:1. Room-to-room coaxial cable lengths, exclusive of RF signal considerations, may be up to one mile inlength, using RG-6, for successful IR signal transmission.2. When configuring multiple rooms, be sure the RF splitters used are DC passing types, such as XantechModels 200-00 (2-way) and 202-00 (4-way). Refer to Figs. 3 and 4.INJ94 & CPL94BINJECTOR & COUPLER+12 VIRRCVRTV INPUTINJ94 INJECTORFig.2 CPL94B CouplerEMITTERREMOTE TVSAT/VCRCPL94B COUPLEREMITTERFig.1 INJ94 Injector