31Internet Printer StatusPrinter ConfigurationThis link contains information on yourprinter’s Informational Pages, Network(EtherTalk, General, and TCP/IP), PostScript(AccelaFont, DPI, LPI, and Margins), ResetFactory Defaults, Storage Devices (Hard disk andRAM disk), and Trays and Media (Default InputTray, Media Types, and Multipurpose Tray).Printer InformationThis link contains information on yourprinter’s Diagnostic Information, GeneralInformation, I/O Settings (AppSocket, EtherTalk,IP, IPP, LPR, Parallel, and USB), and InstalledOptions.Printer MaintenanceThis link allows for you to access thecleaning feature from you web browser.Utility PagesThis link allows you to print a Start-upPage, Low Toner Page, Network Page, FontList Page, and Font Sample Page.Service and Support• Tech Support1-800-926-8393 (US and Canada)Other areas, call your XANTÉvendor.• Fax1-251-473-6503Record Your Printer’s Serial Number Here:____________________AW1200 QRM v4 5-14-2003Once your printer has been installedonto your system, you can check its status,rename it, align paper, and much more bysimply entering the IP address in the addressbar of your web browser.Fig. 142 Click Appropriate Links.Note: The web browser window and alllinks within it are the same for bothMacintosh and PC environments.• Hours of Operation7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Mon.—Fri. CST• E-mailts1@xante.comeuropesupport@xante.comFor more information about the AW1200or other XANTÉ printers, please log onto ourwebsite:www.xante.com/help◊◊◊