P 5HD23F1AW0Z3da Vinci 1.0 ProFunctional operations and descriptionsTemperature Customization:● Use "left key", "right key" to select the digit (single, tens, hundreds) for the temperature to be adjusted.● Use "up key", "down key" to adjust the value.. The up key is for increasing value, and the down key is fordecreasing value. Press "OK" key to apply setting.● If your customized temperature exceeds allowable setting range, press "OK" and a setting range alertwill be displayed.● Once parameter settings are complete, return to the previous page and select “APPLY SETTING” tosave and apply the settings that you have specified.● UTILITIES > CHANGE CART > UNLOAD FILAMENT● SETTINGS > USER FILAMENTUnloading FilamentTemperature SettingIn unloading filament, activating the filament unloading function on the control panel of the printer1. Wait for the extruder to heat up to operating temperature and unload the filament.2. As "PULLOUT FILAMENT" is displayed on the screen, press the release arm and pull out the filament.The user may customize nozzle temperature, print bed temperature and filament unloading tempera-ture in accordance with requirements of different filaments and design objects:Select the item for temperature settingPress "OK" to enter tem-perature setting for nozzleThe HEATBED will heat up bydefault. To adjust the operat-ing temperature of the printbed, select BED and press“OK”.Select “ON” or “OFF”to turn the print bed’s heat-ing function on or off. Onceturned on the heating func-tion, press “OK” to adjustthe temperature setting forthe print bedPress "OK" to enter tem-perature setting for fila-ment unloading123A Nozzle B Print Bed C Filament UnloadingConstraints of Customized Temperature RangeNOZZLEBED(ON)UNLOADWarming up of the nozzle of the extruder in feeding and print-ing: 170℃ ~ 240℃Temperature elevation range of the print bed: 41℃ ~90℃Temperature elevation range of the extruder in unloading:170℃ ~240℃The temperature setting in this procedure is applicable only to 3D Builder application software developedby Microsoft. For more information about 3D Builder, please visit the Microsoft website● If the temperature for print bed is specified as [OFF], room temperature printing will be enabled and the print bed will notbe heated.● Excessively low extruder temperature may result in poor filament feeding, result in poor filament feeding that preventsproper extrusion of the filament through the nozzle. Hence, please adjust the operating temperature of the extruder first.Remarks:USER FILAMENTNOZZLE: 210 ℃>HEATBED: ONBED: 040 ℃USER FILAMENTHEATBED ONBED 040 ℃> UNLOAD 170 ℃HEATBED: [ON]OFF> ON