Page 14 C2 Operators ManualC2 ConfigurationsThere are two distinct modes of operation of the C2 - normal compressor mode(augmented by a sidechain equaliser section), and the De-EQ mode. To explain theoperation of these two modes and clarify the differences between them, they will bebroken down into building blocks, which are connected differently in the two modes.The building blocks and their operation is explained below.Input Section:The input section is the same for both modes – the audio signal iseither converted to digital, ready for processing, or is fed directlyfrom a digital AES stream. Note that the digital input is a factoryfitted option only.The signal will be split at this point – one path forms the main signalpath, the other forms the sidechain (or control) path that is used to modify the mainone – in this application to compress it.Sidechain EQ Sections:The signal used for controlling the main path may beequalised prior to its use as a control signal – this enablesit to be made more or less sensitive to certainfrequencies, changing the way the compressor reacts theaudio. The degree of sensitivity may also be also beadjusted (the Sidechain EQ Gain control) when incompressor mode. More on this later.This signal (suitably equalised) is then passed into the control section where it is usedto determine the degree of compression of the main signal and how this is applied.Control Sections:This control signal is compared against the threshold setting to seeif it is to start affecting the main path. Included in this section is theratio control which determines how severely the main signal iscompressed as it continues over the threshold, and the attack andrelease times which determine how quickly the compressor reactsand ‘leaves go’ as the threshold is crossed.This signal is now used to directly affect the gain (in compressor mode) of the mainsignal, and conceptually does so using the …