DIGITAL POWER SUPPLYwww.xpg.com限用物质及其化学符 (Restricted substance and its chemical symbols)部件名称Unit电路板Circuit Board电子元器件Electronic Components外壳Case线材Cables风扇Fan散热片Heat Sink其他辅料Other Accessories铅Pb汞Hg镉Cd六价铬Cr (Vl)多溴联苯PBB多溴 二苯醚PBDE超出 0.1wt% 及超出 0.01wt% 系指限用物质之百分比含量超出百分比含量基准值。Exceeding 0.1wt% and Exceeding 0.01wt% indicate that the percentage content of the restricted substanceexceeds the reference percentage value of presence condition.: 系指该项限用物质之百分比含量未超出百分比含量基准值。Indicates that the percentage content of the restricted substance does not exceed the percentage ofreference value of presence.: 系指该项限用物质為排除項目。Indicates that the restricted substance corresponds to the exemption.YEARLIMITEDWARRANTY12FUSION 1600 TITANIUMQ U I C KSTARTG U I D EQSG ProductWebsiteYEARLIMITEDWARRANTY12