1 MultiUART COM demo quickstart guideIN THIS CHAPTER∑ Host computer setup∑ Hardware setup∑ Import and build the application∑ Run the application∑ Next stepsThis demonstration uses the XA-SK-UART-8 MultiUART sliceCARD together withthe xSOFTip MultiUART component to create 8 UARTs. The working is shown asfollows∑ Data is received from a host computer over a null modem cable on the firstUART (UART 0) using the DB9 connector.∑ Received data is piped through the remaining 7 uarts using loopback connectionson the sliceCARD.∑ After data has passed through all UARTs 1 through 7, the data is then returnedback to the host computer via UART 0 and the DB9 connector.This demo also features UART reconfiguration for a sample of standard baud rates.1.1 Host computer setupThe following tools should be installed on the host system in order to run thisapplication:∑ For Win 7: Hercules setup utility by HW-Group1∑ For MAC users: SecureCRT7.02Similar tools exist for Linux users but for the purposes of this demonstartion aWindows or OS X platform using the tools above is recommended.1.2 Hardware setupThe following hardware components are required:∑ XP-SKC-L16 sliceKIT1http://www.hw-group.com/products/hercules/index_en.html2http://www.vandyke.com/download/securecrt/REV A