I N T E L L I T R A X ® A U T O S C A N N I N G S Y S T E M18Cleaning the White Calibration DiskOn a daily basis, you will need to clean the white calibration disk located in the track. This isa relatively easy procedure requiring only a few minutes of time.1. Unplug the IntelliTrax system from the power adapter and slide the scanning head awayfrom the docking station.2. Pull calibration cover towards the docking station to expose the white disk.3. Clean the white calibration disk with a cotton swab or lint free cloth.4. Blow off the disk with compressed air.5. Blow out under the calibration cover with compressed air.6. Carefully release calibration cover and slide scanning head back against docking station.Cleaning the Color Reflectance ReferenceThe color reflectance reference is dramatically affected by smudge marks, dust, and fingersprints. The reference can be cleaned with a lint free cloth whenever required. Make sure toreturn the reference to its protective envelope when finished.Important:This reference must be kept clean. Use a clean, dry, soft cloth to wipe reference clean. Measurement accuracy is dramaticallyaffected by smudge marks, dust and temperature. Place reference in protective envelope and out of light when not in use.123456789101112131415P/N AT240-64Cotton SwabCalibration CoverCalibration DiskScanning Head