01 SO-INCH FREE-STANDINGELECTRIC RANGEModel RJE-395PFluorescent -Top LightModel and SerialNumber PlateControl PanelAutomatic Oven ALight SwitchOven DoorCopy Your Model and Serial Number HereIf Lou navt’ questlQris or need to call for service. MocL’l Nurnhe:the W~VIC~J c~~rnpar~~, LLIII ask for scour Model and SerialNumbers \r’our IWU rarlye has these Ilumbers OTI a Ser~cll Numberplate above rhka (OVCIII just behlnd the top of the over1door Copy the Ilumbers III these spaces while you arethlnklrly about It Purchase and Illitd;latioll rhkKeep this book III a handy place Your warrarityand sales slip should be kept with It Serwce Cumpar>y anil Phone l’i~~rnberSee Cooking Guide for important safety information.