5019 307 00033VeryWetLoadWetLoadLoadKg abric programmes& Drying levelsDrying optionsGentleReduces dryingintensity(recommended for delicateitems)BuzzerSignals/Sounds end ofdrying cycleat IntervalsIndicative drying times(in minutes)85125701003.05.0 CottonMax 5 kgCupboard dry +8011060903.05.0 Cupboard dry *609050703.05.0 Iron dry*305525451.02.5 SyntheticsMax 2.5 kgCupboard dry +254520351.02.5 Cupboard dry *203515251.02.5 Iron dry- - - Airing Laundry is aired and refreshed for30 minutes without heating. -- - - Completes drying or dries singleitems (suitable for all fabrics). -AWZ 681GBCottonSyntheticsAiringStartPauseStarts the drying cycle. Thedrying indicator lamp is blinkingduring the selection phase.Press to confirm the finalselection.)ilter The indicator lamp lights up whenthe filter needs cleaning.Cleanthe filter at the end of everycycle.Water ContainerLights up when water containerneeds to be emptied.The dryingcycle is automatically interrupted.Empty the water container.Pressthe Start/Pause button to restartthe dryer and to continue theprogramme.PROGRAMME SEQUENCE INDICATORSDryingCool Down/AiringEndAnti-CreaseBlinking: programme selected;cycle need to be started.Lit: programme is running.Lit: Airing is running.Lit: End of programme.Lit: Anti-Crease is running.* Test programmes according IEC 61121QUICK REERENCE GUIDEPlease also carefully read theInstructions for Use.