9IMPORTANT: always clean the cappuccinomaker after use. Proceed as follows:1. D ISCHARGE A LITTLE STEAM for a few seconds byrotat-ing thesteamknob.Thisemp-ties anymilk leftinside thesteam spout.IMPORTANT: To ensure hygiene,you are recommended to follow this pro-cedure each time you make cappuccino toavoid milk stagnating in the milk circuit.3. R EMOVE THE NOZZLE from the steamtube by pulling it downwards.4. WASH THE CAPPUCCINO MAKER andsteam nozzle thoroughly with warmwater.5. MAKE SURE the two holes shownin are not blocked. If necessary,clean with a pin.6. R EPLACE THE STEAM NOZZLE by in-serting it onto the steam tubeand rotating firmly towards thetop of the tube.7. R EPLACE THE CAPPUCCINO MAKER byinserting it and rotating anticlockwise.HOT WATER PRODUCTION1. TURN THE APPLIANCE ON by pressingthe ON/OFF button. Wait until theOK indicator light comes on.2. P LACE A RECIPIENT under the cappuccino mak-er.3. P RESS THE COFFEE BUTTON and at the same timeturn the steam knob anticlockwise.Water comes out of the cappucci-no maker;4. TO INTERRUPT DELIVERY OF HOT WATER , close thesteam knob by rotating clockwiseand press the coffee button again.(You should not run off hot waterfor more than 45 seconds at a time).2. WITH ONE HAND, HOLD THE CAP -PUCCINO TUBE FIRMLY and with theother unscrew the cappuccinomaker itself by rotating clock-wise and extracting downwards.