9Remove tape fromdryer cabinet.Open dryer doorand remove tapefrom dryer drum.(Not all dryerdrums are taped.)Remove dryingrack, if included. Turn dryer drumcounterclockwise to make sure all tapewas removed. Wipe drum with dampcloth to remove any dust.B. Prepare the dryer C. Level dryerdiamondmarkingExcessive Weight HazardUse two or more people to move andinstall dryer.Failure to do so could result in backor other injury.WARNINGTake two cardboard corners from dryercarton and place them on floor in backof dryer. Firmly grasp body of dryerand gently lay it on its back on thecardboard corners.Start to screw legs into holes by hand.Use an adjustable wrench or 1” hex-head socket wrench to finish turninglegs until you reach the ridge with thediamond marking.Stand dryer up on cardboard orhardboard.Installation stepsIf installing washer and dryer, installdryer first.A. Install vent systemPut on safety glasses and gloves.Install exhaust hood.Use caulkingcompound to sealexterior wall openingaround exhaust hood.Connect exhaust ventto hood. (Exhaust vent MUST fit insidehood.) Secure vent to hood with 4-inchclamp.Run exhaust vent to dryer location.Use the straightest path possible.Avoid 90° turns. Use clamps to seal alljoints. Tin snips may be needed to cutvent to required length.Dryer must be level to reduce noiseand assure proper performance.Slide dryer onto cardboard orhardboard before moving acrossfloor to prevent floor damage.Move dryer close to its permanentlocation. Leave enough room toconnect exhaust vent. Removecardboard or hardboard from underdryerCheck levelness of dryer by placing alevel on top of dryer, first side to side,then front to back. If dryer is not level,adjust dryer legs up or down.If legs are not long enough to leveldryer, order Extended Dryer Feet Kit,Part No. 279810 (sold two legs perkit), from your dealer.