Installation Instructionsf oryour newBEFORE YOU BEGIN, READ THE FOLLOWING IN-STRUCTIONS COMPL ETEL Y AND CAREFUL L Y. THEYWI1 L SIMPLIFY THE INSTAL LA TION.AFTER COMPLETING THE INSTALLATION, SAVETHESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE USE.1.GENERAL‘I’oor rlevv Mrcrowave oven can be set In a convenrentplace on any counter or surface strong enough to supportthe oven. It may be placed anywhere there IS a grounded,tnree prong, 120-volt, 60.Hz., AC outlet (separate circurtreic~rnmerrded 1.DO NOT BLOCK THE VENT OPENINGS ON THE REAROF THE OVEN OR ThE AIR INTAKE OPENINGS ONTHE BOTTOM OF THE OVEN.Exhaust tder,ts arc b>rov,ded UC the rear of the m;c:owav?over) for pr-oper cooking dno air flow in the oven cavity aridMUST NOT be blocked. The ail- from these vent openingswill also contain moisture and should not be vehted ontooverhead cabrnets.A:; stake openings are povrded at the bottom of the oven.Make sur-e the rnicrowav+ oven legs are in place and do notset the oven on anything 1hat will block off the air openings.Bottr srdrs, or the top and one side of the mrcrowave cabinetmay be installed flush with adjacent walls or cabinets.CAUTION: Do not install the microwave oven so thatboth sides and the top of the cabinet are flush withadjacent cabinets.One srde or the top must have at least 1” clearance. SeeFigure 1. Do not install the oven next to a conventionalsurface unit or in any area where excessive heat and steamare generated because the outside of the cabinet may bedamaged.SIDESTOP\ f SIDESONE SIDE OR TOPMUST HAVE AT LEAST d’1” CLEARANCE0U ”CORPORATIONMICROWAVEOVENThis oven can be built into a wall or cabinet. Kits RCK 803and RCK 807 are available from you dealer for recessedinstallatron. It can also be installed, with those kits, above?ihirlpost RB, RDE, REE, RGE and SB series single ovensor-, Hardwick 7200 sirlgie gas ovens. Follow the manufac-tu~et’s installation Ynsrt-uctions.The RCK 710 kr! is us~‘d for surface mountrny on a wall.Lie rlut use trlis krt to mount a micr-owave olven above .itlyitiurce of heat such as a rang; cooktop or a built-in surfaceunit.ELECTRICALREQUIREMENTSObserve All Governing Codesand OrdinancesA 120 Volt, 60 Hz, AC only, 15 Amp fused electricalsupply is required. (Time-delay fuse is recommended.)It is required that a separate circuit serving only this appli-ance be provided. DO NOT use an extension cord.ELECTRICALCONNECTIONElectrical ground is required onthis appliance.DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, REMOVETHE POWER SUPPLY CORD GROUND PRONG,RECOMMENDED GROUNDING METHODFor your personal safety, thus appliance must be grounded.This appliance is equipped with a power supply cord havinga 3-prong grounding plug. To minrmize possible shockFIGURE 1Part No. 312141