Using the Remote ControlEvery time you put new batteries in the remote control, or power is interrupted, you need toset the proper time of day. Make sure the time of day is correct when using the TIMEDMODE Delay Start and Delay Stop operations.---c -.-.---------TO SET:_-_1 1. Press the A Button.2. Press the A or V Button to setthe time.NOTE: Hold A or V Button downfor faster time change.3. Press the b Button. This com-pletes setting the clock.To adjust the time of dayTO ADJUST THE TIME OF DAY:1. Open the battery cover(see page 16) and press theSet Button.Then set time as shown above.ILPRESS: -0aADv0aa)vPRESS:DISPLAY SHOWS:9 .nnu.UU:l?:XLTDISPLAY SHOWS:I 5