BME280 Environmental SensorBME280 Environmental SensorUser ManualOVERVIEWThe BME280 is as combined digital humidity, pressure and temperature sensor. Itssmall dimensions, low power consumption, high precision and stability allow theimplementation in environmental monitor, whether forecast, altitude detection andIOT application.FEATURES⚫ Support I2C interface, I2C device address could be set by changing I/O or welds⚫ Supports SPI interface. Default I2C, you can change to SPI by change I/O⚫ Integrated Level convert circuit, compatible with 3.3V/5V⚫ Provide examples and user guide (Raspberry Pi/Arduino/STM32)SPECIFICATIONOperating voltage: 5V/3.3VInterface: I2C/SPITemperature range: -40~85°C (Resolution 0.1°C, tolerance ±1°C)Humidity range: 0~100%rh (Resolution 0.008%RH, tolerance ±1°C)Pressure range: 300~1100hPa(Resolution 0.18Pa, tolerance ±1hPa)Dimensions: 27mmx20mmHoles size: 2.0mm