6310 Rear Corner StaplerThe Vario Rear Corner Stapler (RCS) is an optional ac-cessory that may be fitted onto your Vario. This unit fitsonto the rear of the collator.Loading the CollatorThe sheets should be loaded face down and with the toppage in the bottom bin. The corner to be stapled shouldbe loaded outermost.Adjusting the RCS• Take a sheet of paper the same size as that to bestapled.• With the top hinged cover closed, adjust the infeedsidelays for the sheet width by turning the hand-wheelso that the sidelays correspond to the appropriate pointon the scale.• Open the top hinged cover of the corner stapler, thiswill cause the sidelays to move to their inner position.Insert the sheet between the sidelays and make anyfine adjustments required. The sidelays must tidy theset, yet still allow the sheets to fall freely between them.• In the orientation in which it is to be stapled, stand thesheet inside the RCS so that it is resting on the smallrollers. Adjust the top knock by sliding it up or downso that it is approximately 5mm clear of the edge of thesheet.Top knockInfeed Sidelay ScaleInfeed SidelaysInfeed SidelayAdjustmentRCS Bypass Lever