10/04/2007 1 NI802ConfiguratorHE-T-KW-CWType Cabinet WidthH, A, E, N 21 = 21”(see below) 24 = 24”*kW Size10 = 9.6 kW15 = 14.4 kW20 = 19.2 kW*25 = 24 kW*30 = 28.8 kW*TypeAll models – ECM™ blower motor, setup selection of four cooling sizes, 50% continuous air (fan – onsetting). High efficient air circulation at about 50-watt.H = Full WarmFlo capability with outdoor sensor. This provides warm air outlet temperature dialselection and supply air ramp up with the decrease of outdoor temperature. This WarmFlofeature definitely applies to heat pumps, but it is also the top of the line comfort for straightelectric, with air conditioning. The warm air dial suggested setting is 96° or 100° and the frontdial selects the rate of ramp up or temperature increase based upon outdoor. The “C” settingwill provide 114° warm air at 0° or 125° at -20° F outside. The ECM™ blower also ramps upin speed as there is an increase in supply temperature or decrease in outdoor temperature.Depending upon setup selection, the moderate heating blower speed could be as low as 60% offull capacity and full capacity blower is only used below 15° outdoor.Heat/cool conventional or basic heat pump room thermostat can apply.A = WarmFlo element modulation based upon a warm air set point and duct sensor. Heating blowerspeed is installation setup per kW size. A higher CFM selection can be made if there is a desireto “work” WarmFlo harder.Heat/cool conventional thermostat applies.E = Non-WarmFlo, 10, 15, or 20 kW built-in strip heat, direct function of roomstat W. Setupselection determines nominal ECM™ motor speed. A thermostat “E” type function could beused to jump to full speed.N = Cabinet only, no electric elements or WarmFlo. This could typically be associated with an inlethydronics water coil. Control board includes a relay for pump, initiated with input W. Setupselection determines heating blower speed. Cooling speeds and air conditioning interface arethe same as mentioned above.Note: Two-speed and multi-function room thermostat can also be configured with this system by addingWF-HP2 interface controller.