Revision 141. DisclaimerThe specifications of Wallgate products can change without notice because ofdevelopments in design and manufacturing.2. ConventionsCertain conventions are used in this manual to make it easier to read andunderstand. They are given in the sections below.3. WarningA warning with white text on a red background is used to give information abouthazards that can cause injury or death. Read and understand these warnings beforeyou install and commission the basin. Failure to heed these warnings can have seriousconsequences.WARNING! This is a warning!4. NoteA note with black text on a yellow background is used to draw your attention toimportant and useful information.NOTE: This is a note.5. Numbered proceduresSteps in procedures are numbered, starting from 1.1. This is step 1.2. This is step 2 etc.6. Bullet lists A bullet list is used to give information that is not sequential.