54.3 MACHINE BREAK-INAlthough there are no operational restrictions onthe Woodsplitter when used for the first time, it isrecommended that the following mechanical itemsbe checked:A. After operating for and 5 hours:1. Check all nuts, bolts and other fasteners.Tighten to their specified torque.2. Check the condition of all hydraulic lines,hoses and fittings. Replace any that aredamaged. Re-route those that are rub-bing, pinched or crimped. Tighten anyfitting that is leaking.3. Check for entangled material. Remove allentangled material before resuming work.4. Check the oil level in the hydraulic reser-voir in the skid steer. Add as required.4.4 PRE-OPERATION CHECKLISTEfficient and safe operation of the Woodsplitterrequires that each operator reads and under-stands the operating procedures and all relatedsafety precautions outlined in this section. Apre-operation checklist is provided for the opera-tor. It is important for both the personal safety andmaintaining good mechanical condition that thischecklist is followed.Before operating the machine and each timethereafter, the following areas should be checkedoff:1. Lubricate the machine per the schedule out-line in Section 5 Service and Maintenance.2. Use only a skid steer of adequate power andweight to operate the machine.3. Check that the machine is properly attachedto the skid steer. Be sure the lock pins on theloader face plate are fully engaged to securethe Woodsplitter to the loader.4. Check the oil in the reservoir of the skid steer.Add as required.5. Check the condition of all hydraulic lines,hoses and fittings. Replace any that aredamaged. Re-route those that are rubbing,pinched or crimped. Tighten any fitting that isleaking.6. Check all parts for entangled material. Re-move entangled material.7. Install and secure all guards, doors and cov-ers before starting.8. Review the "controls" section in the skid steeroperator's manual to be familiar with thecontrol settings and functions before operatingmachine.