387.3 CHIPPER / SHREDDER CHAMBER:The chipper / shredder chamber house the cutting / chopping blades, and need to be sharp for the ma-chine to perform as expected. Periodic inspection is recommended. Keep the blades sharp to reducethe amount of power required during operation. Watch the sharpness of the blades when processingmaterial with a lot of sand, soil or dirt mixed with it. Reverse or sharpen the blades if the cutting edgebecomes dull. Twig Breaker & Chop Block should be inspected for gouges or damage.7.3.1 ROTOR BLADES:The rotor is equipped with 2 blades spaced evenly to keep the rotor in balance. If one needs to bechanged, the one opposite should also be changed.It is recommended that the rotor blades be removed from the rotor when sharpening. Always sharpenthe blades at a 45° angle to provide the best cutting effect as it meets the stationary blade. Be sure totighten the blade mounting bolts to their specified torque when re-installing the blades to the rotor.1. Disengage the PTO, stop the engine, remove the ignition key and place it in your pocket and waitfor all moving parts to stop .2. Remove the bolt that securesthe upper rotor housing, andcarefully open the rotor hous-ing.3. Manually rotate chipper rotorplate so that the blade is fullyexposed4. Remove the bolts that hold therotor blade to the rotor, removethe blade.5. Rotate the blade and reinstallor replace with new or re-sharpened blade.6. Ensure the blade is properlyoriented, with the leading edgeout. The blade is designed to fitinto the rotor one way only. Seediagram for proper installation.7. Tighten down bolts as specifiedin the torque chart8. Repeat steps for remaining blades.Rotor BladeRotor BladeBolts2 x BXM324 x BXM42Machine is shown with guard removedfor illustrative purposes only. Do notoperate machine with guard removed.WARNINGFig. 22 ROTOR BLADELeading EdgeProper orientationof Rotor Blade