204�3 MACHINE BREAK-INAlthough there are no operational restrictions onthe Wood Chipper when used for the first time, it isrecommended that the following mechanical itemsbe checked:A. After operating for 1 hour:1. Ensure the machine is in Safe Condition beforechecking any components. (See Section 4.1.1).2. Torque all fasteners and hardware.3. Check condition of rotor bearings.4. Check the condition and clearance of the twig-breaker, rotor and stationary blades. Adjust orreplace as required.5. Check for entangled material. Remove allentangled material before resuming work.6. Lubricate all grease fittings.B. After operating for 10 hours:1. Repeat steps 1 through 6 listed above.2. Go to the normal servicing and maintenanceschedule as defined in the Maintenance Section.4�4 PRE-OPERATION CHECKLISTEfficient and safe operation of the Wallenstein3 Point Hitch Wood Chipper requires that eachoperator read and understand the using proceduresand all related safety precautions outlined in thissection. A pre-operation checklist is provided forthe operator. It is important for both the personalsafety and maintaining good mechanical conditionthat this checklist is followed.Before operating the Wood Chipper and each timethereafter, the following areas should be checkedoff:Pre-Operation ChecklistCheck and lubricate the machine per the scheduleoutline in the Maintenance Section.Check the rotor housing and discharge chute,.Remove any blockages, twine, wire or othermaterial that has become entangled .Check the condition and clearance of the twig-breaker, rotor and stationary blades. Adjust orreplace as required.Check that all bearings turn freely. Replace anythat are rough or seized.Check and ensure that all covers, guards andshields are in place, secured and functioning asdesignedCheck all fasteners and tighten, and ensure yourequipment is working and in good repair.Check that personal protection equipmentincluding hard hat, safety glasses, safety shoes,safety vest, hearing protection and gloves are usedand in good repair.Check that all loose fitting clothing or jewellery isnot worn and loose long hair is tied back.Check that all guards and shields are in place,secured and functioning as designed.Z94203Use Your PersonalProtection Equipment