Installer Menu3-16 Rev: AResetting the OPEN and CLOSE LimitsOn occasion, the open and close limits may need to be fine-tuned. Resetting the open and close limits is easilyaccomplished by accessing the Installer Menu. Examples where resetting the limits is necessary, include:• Removing or Replacing the Target Magnet.• Setting the LEARN LIMITS display to 1 (erases the open and close target positions from memory)To re-learn limits, take the following steps:1. At a gate status display, press the MENU button twice.This accesses the User Menu and the CLOSE TIMERdisplay appears.2. Simultaneously, press the OPEN and RESET buttonsto enter the Installer Menu. Release the buttons and theLEARN LIMITS display appears. It is the first item inthe Installer Menu.3. Press SELECT, and then NEXT to change the settingto 1. Press SELECT again. LEARN OPEN flashes onthe display indicating that operator is ready to relearnthe open limit.4. Hold the OPEN button until the gate reaches thedesired open limit. Release the OPEN button (Notethat if you go too far, you can press CLOSE to reversedirection.)5. Press STOP twice to preserve the open stop location.LEARN CLOSE appears on the display.6. Hold the CLOSE button until the gate slides to fullclose. Release the CLOSE button (Note that if you gotoo far, you can press OPEN to reverse direction.)7. Press STOP twice. The full close stop is retained inmemory. For more information, refer to Establishingthe OPEN & CLOSE Limits.8. An ALERT 15 message appears on the display. To clearthe alert, perform a full cycle so the software recognizesthe target. Press OPEN, and then CLOSE. The gatewill stop automatically on the close cycle when itreaches the programmed limit. As the target magnetpasses the sensor, the operator beeps and the ALERT15 message is cleared.