"If you know sub woo fers, y ou know about Velody ne.""... it's safe to say that when it comes to woofin ' done right ,Velodyne's bigger models are probably the safest bet there is."n• • • we ju st sat there marvelling at the sheer power and majesty ofthis ju n ior vars ity Velodyne. n-Corey Gr eenbergHom e Theater Techn ology /Febru ary 1995Face Off: Compa riso n of five sub woofersModel Tested: VA - 10 12X"... Velodyn es VA- 12 15X is a great subwoofer. It combines deep ,loud, high-quality outp ut with a slick styling, a fairly small cabinet, fullflexibility, it's sure to stand tall next to the very best of its peers."-Tom Nousain eVideo/O ctober1995Model Tested: VA- 12 15XVelodyn e Aco u stics, Inc.1070 Com mercial St. Suite # 101San Jose, CA 95 112408.4 36.7270 voice~408.4 36. 72 76 faxWeb Site: http //www.velodyne.comE-ma il: velo dyne @earthlink.net@ Printed on recycle d paper.~1 21 5xnOwner's Man ualVelodyneAud i olVi deo Su bwo ofer Sys tem