www.velodyne.comDigital Drive PLUS Series User’s Manual - 33MAINTAINPROTECT SUBWOOFER FROM DAMAGEDO NOT PUT HEAVY OBJECTS or other objects ON TOP of the subwoofer cabinet that could scratch or dentthe cabinet.DO NOT ALLOW OBJECTS TO FALL INTO, OR LIQUIDS TO SPILL ON, THE SUBWOOFER CABINET.DO NOT EXPOSE SUBWOOFER TO DRIPPING OR SPLASHING FROM LIQUIDS.DO NOT PLACE LIQUID-FILLED OBJECTS ON OR NEAR THE SUBWOOFER. Examples of liquid-filled objectsinclude flower vases, beverages and liquid-fueled lamps.DO NOT OPERATE THE SUBWOOFER NEAR ANY BODIES OF WATER: BATHTUBS, SWIMMING POOLS,lAKeS, eTc.DO NOT OPERATE THE VELODYNE Digital DrivePLUS SUBWOOFER OUTSIDE OF BUILDING STRUCTURES.DO NOT PUSH FOREIGN OBJECTS OF ANY KIND into the subwoofer or connector openings, other than theproper cables.DO NOT PLACE BURNING CANDLES, INCENSE, OR SMOKING PRODUCTS ON TOP OF OR NEAR THESUBwOOFeR.DO NOT PLACE A LAPTOP COMPUTER ON TOP OF THE SUBWOOFER. Damage could occur to either thelaptop hardware or the subwoofer finish.CLEANUSE A CLEAN, SOFT DAMP CLOTH to remove dust or fingerprints from the subwoofer cabinet. Unplug thesubwoofer power cord from the power outlet before cleaning to prevent static electricity from damaging thesubwoofer during cleaning.DO NOT CLEAN THE SUBWOOFER CABINET with detergents, soaps, abrasives, aerosol sprays, chemicalsolvents, alcohol, or other cleaning solutions.TROUBLESHOOTSUBwOOFeR ISn’T PlAyInG1. Verify unit is plugged in and power outlet used is active.2. Verify the power switch is on.3. Verify the subwoofer is connected to a source and all 12V triggers are on.4. Verify the subwoofer can produce sound. A good way to test this is to press 3-2-1 on the remote controlwhile pointing it at the IR sensor on the subwoofer. The woofer should play the sweep tone used for roomSelf-eQ.IF THE BASS DOESN’T SOUND LOUD ENOUGH TO YOU:1. Increase the subwoofer’s VOlUme level.2. Increase the receiver’s lFe or SUB OUT volume level, if it is adjustable.3. Put the subwoofer closer to a corner of your room.IF THE SUBWOOFER OUTPUT IS DISTORTED, INTERMITTENT OR STOPS:The subwoofer may have shut down due to the protection circuitry.1. Reduce the volume setting; or2. Shut the subwoofer off until normal operating conditions return.