OPTIMIZATION PARAMETERSParametricThe following table describes the three parameters of the eight EQ filters that can be adjusted during the optimization process of theDigital DrivePLUS subwoofer. The parametric filters can help you to achieve better room equalization. Although the Auto-EQPLUS and Self-EQoptimization processes automatically adjust the level of the preset parametric filters, only the Manual-EQ allows adjustment of the frequencyand bandwidth, as well as level of these filters.The parametric filters should be adjusted after the system parameters have be set.During the Manual-EQ process, remember that all of the preset parameters are available for adjustment. At this time, you can customize eachpreset to get the appropriate character for use with differing satellites or media depending on your needs and system complexityEQ Setting Set with Set with Set withSelf-EQ Auto-EQPLUS Manual-EQ DescriptionFrequency (F) No No Yes The center frequency for the parametric filter. The parametric filtersshould be placed at peaks and valleys in the frequency response duringManual-EQ optimization. You should put a filter at the highest peak firstand adjust the filter levels before proceeding to put filters at the nexthighest peak. You should put filters at the peaks before putting filters atvalleys. Remember that you are using up amplifier headroom when youraise a dip, so it is better to lower a peak.When manually setting the filter frequencies, avoid putting more thanone filter at one frequency. The filters can be close, but if you find thatyou need to stack the filters at one frequency, you have probably placedthe subwoofer or microphone in a poor location in the room near or at anull. To correct for this RESET the subwoofer using the remote, movethe location of the subwoofer or mic and start over with the Auto-EQPLUSoptimization and then proceed back into Manual-EQ.The default parametric filters are at the 1/3 octave ISO frequencies:20 Hz, 25 Hz, 32 Hz, 40 Hz, 50 Hz, 63 Hz, 80 Hz and 100 Hz.Level (L) Yes Yes Yes The filters can be adjusted in level between +6 dB and -13 dB.The default level is 0 for all filters.Bandwidth (Q) No No Yes The bandwidth determines how narrow the parametric filter is.The narrower the filter, the higher the Q value and the faster the rolloff on each side of its center frequency. The default Q setting for thebandwidth is 4.3 The Q can be set between 0.1 and 20. The Q orbandwidth of the filter is usually adjusted last after correctly settingthe frequency and level. It is adjusted so that as little around the dipor peak being corrected is affected.[ 31 ]Digital DrivePLUS User’s ManualOPTIMIZATION PARAMETERS