Operation AlarmsWARNING POSTINGDisplayed messages alert you to the type of warning. Printed messages show the type of warning and the time thewarning was posted (see Figure 5). Warnings are logged into the Non-Priority Alarm History in the TLS.Figure 5. TLS console warning exampleALARM POSTINGDisplayed Messages alert you to the type of alarm. Printed messages show the type of alarm and the time thealarm was posted. Alarm example in Figure 6. PMC Alarms are logged into the Priority Alarm History in the TLS.Figure 6. TLS console alarm exampleMMM DD, YYYY HH:MM XMVP EMISSIONS WARN---- PMC ALARM ----VP EMISSIONS WARNMMM DD, YYYY HH:MM XMisd-evr\pmc\fig5.epsTLS consoledisplay messageTLS consoleprintout messageTLS consolewarning lightflashesMMM DD, YYYY HH:MM XMVP EMISSIONS FAIL---- PMC ALARM ----VP EMISSIONS FAILMMM DD, YYYY HH:MM XMisd-evr\pmc\fig6.epsTLS consoledisplay messageTLS consoleprintout messageTLS consolealarm lightflashesSection 16Pressure Management Control16-8