116.5 Module 5 - S erial S etup paraMeterS (5-SEr)LIMITED WARRANTYThe Company warrants the products it manufactures against defects in materials and workmanship for a period limited to two yearsfrom the date of shipment, provided the products have been stored, handled, installed, and used under proper conditions. TheCompany’s liability under this limited warranty shall extend only to the repair or replacement of a defective product, at TheCompany’s option. The Company disclaims all liability for any affirmation, promise or representation with respect to the products.The customer agrees to hold Danaher Specialty Products harmless from, defend, and indemnify DSP against damages, claims, andexpenses arising out of subsequent sales of DSP products or products containing components manufactured by DSP and based uponpersonal injuries, deaths, property damage, lost profits, and other matters which Buyer, its employees, or sub-contractors are or maybe to any extent liable, including without limitation penalties imposed by the Consumer Product Safety Act (P.L. 92-573) andliability imposed upon any person pursuant to the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act (P.L. 93-637), as now in effect or as amendedhereafter.No warranties expressed or implied are created with respect to The Company’s products except those expressly contained herein.The Customer acknowledges the disclaimers and limitations contained herein and relies on no other warranties or affirmations.SELData BitBaud Rate Parity Bit PrintOptionsMeterAddressAbbreviatedPrinting5-SErbAUd dAtA PAr Addr Abbr OPtProThe Serial Setup Parameters are only active when one of the optional serial communications/programming cards is installed in the meter.Refer to the RFMCOMM bulletin for details and setup for the FLEX MINI RS232 or RS485 serial communications.Refer to the RFMCOMUSB bulletin for details on the FLEX MINI USB programming and programming requirements.PARAMETER MENUbutton or user input manual reset, serial reset command or meter powercycle. When the user input or RST button is activated (momentary action),the corresponding “on” output is reset immediately and remains off until thetrigger point is crossed again. (Previously latched alarms will be off if powerup Display Value is lower than setpoint value.)L-dLY = Latch with delay reset action; This action latches the output on at thetrigger point per the Setpoint Action shown in Setpoint Output Figures. Latchmeans that the output can only be turned off by the front panel RST buttonor user input manual reset, serial reset command or meter power cycle. Whenthe user input or RST button is activated (momentary action), the meterdelays the event until the corresponding “on” output crosses the trigger offpoint. (Previously latched outputs are off if power up Display Value is lowerthan setpoint value. During a power cycle, the meter erases a previous L-dLYreset if it is not activated at power up.)OUTPUTSTATEOFF ONHysSPAutoOFF ON OFFOFF ON OFF ON OFFOFF ON OFF ON OFFMANUALRESETLAtCHL-dLYSP - Hys( )( )( ){ Setpoint Output Reset ActionsThis parameter enables the RST button or user input to reset the output whenthe display is reset.Note: For this parameter to operate, the RST button or User Input being usedmust be set to dSP and the Input value must be displayed. If these conditions arenot met, the output will not reset.YESrEn-nOUTPUT RESET WITH DISPLAY RESETYESNOWhen YES, the output is disabled (after a power up) until the trigger point iscrossed. Once the output is on, the output operates normally per the SetpointAction and Output Reset action.NOStb-nSTANDBY OPERATIONYESNOThis parameter enables the backlight FLEX MINI to switch the backlight colorwhen the output state changes. This parameter is only active for the backlightCHANGE DISPLAY COLOR w/OUTPUT STATENOChC-n YESNO