Driving and operating 155Resume stored speedTurn thumb wheel to RES/+ at aspeed above 20 mph. The storedspeed will be obtained.Switching offPress m, control indicator m ininstrument cluster extinguishes. Thestored speed is deleted.Pressing L to activate the speedlimiter or switching off the ignition alsoswitches off cruise control anddeletes the stored speed.Speed limiterThe speed limiter prevents thevehicle exceeding a preset maximumspeed.The maximum speed can be set atspeeds above 15 mph up to125 mph.The driver can only accelerate up tothe preset speed. Deviations from thelimited speed may occur when drivingdownhill.The preset speed limit is displayed inthe Driver Information Centre whenthe system is active.ActivationPress L. If cruise control has beenactivated before, it is switched offwhen speed limiter is activated andcontrol indicator m extinguishes.Set speed limitAccelerate to the desired speed andbriefly turn thumb wheel to SET/-: thecurrent speed is stored as maximumspeed. Speed limit is displayed in theDriver Information Centre.Change speed limitWith speed limiter active, turn thumbwheel to RES/+ to increase or SET/-to decrease the desired maximumspeed.Exceeding the speed limitWhen exceeding the limited speedwithout driver input, the speed willflash in the Driver Information Centreand a chime sounds during thisperiod.In the event of an emergency, it ispossible to exceed the speed limit bydepressing the accelerator pedalfirmly nearly to the final point. In thiscase no chime appears.Release the accelerator pedal andthe speed limiter function isreactivated once a speed lower thanthe limit speed is obtained.