VARI❋LITE® - VL2000™ WASH LUMINAIRE USER’S MANUAL66 07-May-03 02.96 71.000 1 FCue OperationsThe following section provides instructions for performing cue, sequence, and playback operations.Note: The Mod, Del, PCue, PSEQ commands will all display "C--" or "Sc--" if no cues havebeen stored.Note: After 10 seconds of inactivity at the display, it will change to the default state showing theaddress.To use the menus:The data stored by the luminaire is “last takes precedence.” This means the last command received bythe luminaire will be the basis of the cue to be stored.To clear all input data and timing values from previous tests or cues, cycle power to the luminaire withDMX data cables disconnected. This will reset parameter’s data and timing values to defaults.Set position:Step 1. Press [Menu].Step 2. Press [Up]/ [Down] arrows until Man appears. Press [Enter].Step 3. Press [Up]/ [Down] arrows until desired parameter appears. Press [Enter].Step 4. Press [Up] / [Down] arrows to adjust value. (The values wrap from 0 to 255 in eitherdirection. Pan and Tilt values operate in a range of 0-4095, and wrap also.) Press [Enter] toset value.Step 5. Parameter timing can be set using the Time sub-functions. This allows timing to be addedto Intensity, Pan & Tilt, Color, and Beam parameters.Set follow time between cues:The following procedure is used to set the follow time between each cue. The value can be different foreach cue. The range is 0.0 to 365.9 seconds.Step 1. Press [Menu].Step 2. Press [Up] / [Down] arrows until Cue appears. Press [Enter].Step 3. Press [Up] / [Down] arrows until FLTM appears. Press [Enter].Step 4. Press [Up] / [Down] arrows to set value. Once the value is set press [Enter] button. Thedisplay will return to FLTM.To store a cue:Step 1. Press [Menu].Step 2. Press [Up] / [Down] arrows until Cue appears. Press [Enter].Step 3. Press [Up] / [Down] arrows until Stor appears. Press [Enter]. The number displayed is thecue number to be stored.Step 4. Press [Enter] to store cue. (Number will increase by one for next cue to be stored.)