IP BOLD - installation and operating instructions 252.4 VideoAt models with camera is possible received video as follow:- IP phone with LCD display- PC – WEB browser- PC with programm UDVguard (www.alphatech.cz)- PC with general programm for video watching (for example VLC)- Android device (smart phone, tablet) UDVguard (Google Play)- Apple device (smart phone, tablet) UDVguard (iTunes)Video formats: JPG, MJPG, H.263, H.264Video for WEB:Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Opera, Firefox… - (set of JPG pictures - Port 80)it is used repeated http request „IPadresa/video.jpg“programm PopUp (UDVguard) - (MJPEG stream - Port 80) is used httprequest „IPadresa/video.mjpg“ (sometimes is reload necessary to run).Thisvideo is more fluent and has less network strain.Stream video for IP phones:H.263 and H264 is established by IP BOLD door entry and IPvideo phone overSIP/SDP protocol on standard SIP port. The video (as same as sound) thenruns by RTP protokol on ports agreed over SIP (usually 9078).rtsp request „rtsp://IPadress/video.264“or rtsp request „rtsp://IPadress/video.263Video parametres:JPG Pictures are created in IP modul and for all transmit protocols are thesame .The Size (resolution) of video is selected in "Video setting" on WEB.Maximal resolution is defined by USB camera type and mostly is 640x480Stream H.263 knows CIF resolution (352x288). It means bigger JPEG is cutand smaller framed.Frequency (1-15 picture./sec) JPG Picture is selected in "Video setting" onWEB.Frequency MJPG and Stream H.263 coming from camera. It is used everysecond and reset is between 7-15 pictures/sec. Higher resolution bringsdecreasement of Pictures/ sec. (limited by processor efficiency)Ports:Port 80 for http (WEB pages even JPG / MJPG video on them)Port 5060 for SIPPorts RTP with oposite party communicates over SIP. Usually Port 7078suggested for audio and Port 9078 for videoPort 554 video( H264 and H263) provided by door entry (server) protocol RTSP