Thank you for purchasing a quality VALCO BABY product. Please read and follow the instructions outlined inthis guide carefully. Familiarise yourself with the construction and safety features; be sure that you understandall the warnings and safety guidelines before use.Important: Please read the following instructions carefully before assembling this product. Retain thisguide in a safe place for future reference.PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE© Copyright VE 2011vs241011Due to our policy of continuous productdevelopment, this product is constantlyevolving. It is possible that some features orprocedures outlined here have changed sincethis document was written. If you are unsureof any procedure shown here, please contactus via the web at to obtainthe most up to date information before use.Include the batch number, which can be foundon a sticker on the frame.All pictures and diagrams herein are providedfor illustration purposes only.Actual product, colour or fabric may vary.VALCO BABY reserves the right to modify oralter any specification or colour without noticeor obligation to modify any product previouslypurchasedFURTHER INFORMATIONIn Australia/New North America onlywww.valcobaby.com1800 610 7850TRAVELSYSTEMADAPTORFOR REBEL Q STROLLER- CHASSIS MODELTO FIT MAXI COSI™ 80102183BS TRAvEL SySTEM