User's Guide ______________________________________________________________________18 __________________________________________________________________ M210987EN-COptional Sounding AccessoriesThe RS92 unwinder RSU911 is designed to be attached directly to thefolded balloon neck. However, you can use the same unwinder if youuse optional sounding accessories, such as a parachute or a radarreflector.Always attach the unwinder to a relatively firm support, such as theballoon or the parachute spreader. The support must not let theunwinder twist freely, or otherwise the suspension string might unwindat too high a speed and the radiosonde hit the ground during the launch.The unwinder must also be able to swing slightly during the sounding.Attach all optional sounding accessories next to the balloon, orotherwise they disturb the measuring environment of the radiosondeand no proper temperature and humidity measurements can be made.Totex Parachute 5710-5The recommended parachute is the Totex type 5710-5 (Vaisala code15046). In the Totex parachute, an elastic ribbon loop hangs theunwinder securely under the spreader.Attach the parachute directly to the balloon with the parachute string.NOTE When using a balloon with an integrated parachute, make sure that asufficiently long piece of the parachute string is poking out of theballoon neck in order to fasten the string to the radiosonde unwinder.CAUTION The strength of all the strings used during soundings must exceed 25kp (250 N). Knots in the strings weaken the strength to the minimumof 40 % of the original string strength. This results in a string strengthof 10 kp (100 N), which is sufficient for RS92 soundings.Table 3 Ordering Codes for Optional Sounding AccessoriesItem Code NoteTotex parachute 15046Rubber plate RS46158 Used with a radar reflectorHanger board RS46157 Used with a non-Totex parachute