4vacon • 12 ProgrammingLocal contacts: http://drives.danfoss.com/danfoss-drives/local-contacts/P5. MAX APDUCYCLEThis parameter defines the maximum time in seconds between APDU messages addressed to thisnode. The APDU messages are Application layer messages, for example, 'ReadParameter' and'Write Parameter' messages. This can be used to detect communication loss to the controllingnode.NOTE! The application parameter P3.9.1.6 (ID 733) can be used to define the action forcommunication timeout.4.3.2 BACnet MS/TP monitoring valuesV5. F IELDBUS PROTOCOL STATUSFieldbus Protocol Status tells the status of the protocol.V5. C OMMUNICATION STATUSThe Communication status shows how many error and how many good messages the AC drive hasreceived. The Communication status includes a common error counter that counts CRC and parityerrors and a counter for good messages.Only messages to the current slave in use are counted in the good messages, not MS/TP tokenpackages.V5. ACTUAL INSTANCE NUMBERShows the actual instance number.V5. L AST FAULTThis monitor value consist of text string that gives extra information about the fault condition. Canbe used to track the reason for communication timeout. See Table 10.V5. U ARTDBGThis is advanced debug information from RS-485 uart module. It shows parity, framing and overrunerrors occurred while receiving the MSTP messages.V5. ACTIVECOVCOUNTThis shows the number of active COV subscriptions on the device.V5. C ONTROL WORDShows control word that is written by BACnet MS/TP into drive application. This is shown in panelas hexadecimal format.V5. S TATUS WORDShows control word that is written by BACnet MS/TP into drive application. This is shown in panelas hexadecimal format.Table 12.Good messages0…999 Number of messages received with-out errorsBad Frames0…99 Number of messages received witherrors