Adjusting to a Hearing AidHow quickly you adjust to your hearing aid will depend on howoften you wear it. If you wear your hearing aid every day, you willget used to it much faster.If you expect your hearing aid will help you understand allconversation, you will be disappointed. Generally, the older we get,the more difficulty we have understanding conversations. With ahearing loss, this gets even worse.➣ Hearing aids are not a cure for hearing loss.• Hearing aids do not correct your hearing or return it tonormal. If this happened, most people would not be ableto tolerate the volume.➣ Hearing aids will not block out background noise.• It is not possible for an electronic device or our brain toamplify one person’s voice and block out other voices orsounds.• When you begin wearing a hearing aid(s), you will noticean increase in the noise levels around you. This noisehas probably always been there but with your hearingloss, you probably were not noticing the backgroundnoise before.• It will take time for you to get used to hearing the loudersounds around you.➣ Speechreading is necessary.• If you only rely on hearing, you may not be able tounderstand all conversation. The poorer your hearingbecomes, the greater difficulty you will have understand-ing conversation.• To improve your ability to understand conversation, youmust use your eyes when listening. Watch the face of theperson who is speaking.• Even when wearing hearing aids, we must rely onspeechreading.5