ENGLISH40CONTROL PANELWhen power is on, the control unit checks that display correctlyoperates by switching on all segments for 1.5 sec. version, e.g. Pr I.6, will be viewed in the following 1.5sec. Panel will be viewed upon completion of this test.The control panel represents the physical status of theterminal board contacts and of the program mode keys: if theupper vertical segment is on, the contact is closed; if the lowervertical segment is on, the contact is open (the above pictureshows an instance where the inputs LIMIT SWITCH, FOTO 1,FOTO 2, COSTA 1, COSTA 2 and STOP have all been correctlyconnected).The dots among the ciphers of the display show the status ofthe programming wheel: when pushing the wheel downwardsthe left dot is on (DOWN), when pushing the wheel upwards theright dot is on (UP), when the wheel is pressed the central dotis on (MENU).The arrows on the left of the display show the state of the startinputs. The arrows light when the related input is closed.The arrows on the display right side show the gate status:• The highest arrow turns on when the gate is into its openingphase. If it blinks, it means that the opening has beencaused by a safety device (border or obstacle detector).• The central arrow shows that the gate is on pause. If itblinks, it means that the time countdown for the automaticclosing has been activated.• The lowest arrow blinks when the gate is into its closingphase. If it blinks, it means that the closing has beencaused by a safety device (border or obstacle detector).USE OF THE PROGRAMMINGWHEELA special configuration menu – accessible and explorable bymeans of the small wheel on the right side of the display - allowsprogramming the functions and times of the control unit .WARNING: Outside the configuration menu, pushing thewheel upwards a START control is given, pushing itdownwards (DOWN) a PEDESTRIAN START control is given.To start the programming mode while the display is showingthe control panel, keep the wheel pressed until the displayshows -PrG.Keeping the wheel pressed, it is possible to scroll the 4 mainmenus:-PrG programming of the CONTROL UNIT-Cnt counters-APP Self-learning of TIMES AND FORCES-dEF loading of default parametersTo enter one of the 4 main menus release the wheel when joinedthe interested menu.To move inside the 4 main menus push the wheel downwards orupwards to scroll the different items; pressing the wheel, theactual value of the selected entry is visualized and, if necessary,can be changed.QUICK CONFIGURATIONThis paragraph concerns a quick procedure to set the controlunit and set it at work immediately.We recommend following these instructions, in order tocheck quickly the correct operation of control unit, motorand accessories, and then changing the configuration incase of any non-satisfactory parameter.1. Call up the default configuration: see paragraph “LOADINGOF DEFAULT PARAMETERS”2. Set items StoP, Fot1, Fot2, CoS1, CoS2 according to thesafety devices installed on the gate.3. Start the self-learning cycle: see paragraph “SELF-LEARNINGOF WORKING TIMES “4. check that the automation work properly and if necessarymodify the configuration of the desired parameters. For theposition of the item menus inside the main menu and for theoptions related to each item menu, refer to the paragraph“CONFIGURATION OF THE CONTROL UNIT”.