- 9 -FACTS ABOUTINFRARED TRANSMISSION SYSTEMSThe UPC-21 Infrared Transmission Systems use light emitting diodes frequencymodulated at 95kHz, the international standard.The modulated waves radiate from the emitter panels primarily in straight lines.Depending on the lightness of the wall color, some of this energy may bereflected and bounce around the room. Infrared energy does not penetratewalls. The modulated waves remain within the room where the emitter isplaced. This feature makes it perfect for use in multiplex theatre units and foruse in hotel and convention center meeting rooms and auditoriums. Additionally,this characteristic of infrared transmission makes it ideal for meetings requiringsecurity of the signal.USL, Inc. provides the following 95kHz headsets:IRH-501 – an over-the-head receiver designed with a 360°pickup.IRH-701 – an under-the-chin receiver with a 180°pickup.UPC-21 INSTRUCTION MANUAL Ultra Stereo Labs, Inc.