6Controls and IndicatorsHandheld UHF-CB TransceiverUNIDEN UH835S/UH850S1 Antenna2 MON/Keylock3 Rotary Vol/Power Knob4 Speaker5 Accy Speaker MIC Jack6 Microphone7 LCD Display8 SCAN [OS/GS/MS] key9 UP and DOWN Keys10 LED11 MENU [MEM] Key12 PTT KEY13 SMART KEYA TransmitB Channel IndicatorC Scan CH MemoryD Equalizer indicatorE Group Scan andMaster ScanF Key LockG Master ScanH Battery IndicatorI ScanningJ VOXK Busy ChannelLockoutL CTCSS/DCSCode IndicatorM Digitally CodedSquelchN Continuous Tonecoded SquelchSystemO ScrambleP Priority WatchQ High Power12345678910111213A B C D E F HGIJKQPON M L