OperationUNIDEN UHF CB Transceiver15Channel Seeking OperationUnlike normal scanning, CHANNEL SEEK is used more often when checking for active channels.If a signal is detected, while seeking, the uh088sx will tune to that signal for 4 seconds only and theresumes Seeking Operation.Changing from SCAN to SEEK Mode Operation.1 Firstly, activate scan mode by pressing2. Press and hold until a 'beep' is heard.The SCN icon starts to flash.3. If an active channel is detected the uh088sx will stop on thatchannel for 4 seconds. (eg CH17)4. After 4 seconds, the uh088sx will start seeking again foractive channels.5. If you find the channel interesting, simply press eitherthe PTT switch or to stop the operationbefore the 4 second timer elapses.When is pressed again SEEK is still the mode of operation.To change back to SCAN, while SEEKING, press and holduntil a beep is heard. The SCN icon stops flashing.SEEK checks the same channel stored in SCANmemory. Thus, you can Seek either in OS or GS Mode.