93. The last field, Area, masks parts of theviewing area from being triggered bynormal motion. Select Setting, and a griddisplays over the camers's live view. Usethe left mouse to select a grid to blockfrom view. Left-click and drag to selectmultiple boxes. Left-click those boxesagain to de-select them. Mask off flags,trees, or other objects that move in thewind to avoid false alerts.4. Right-click to display the control bar. Click STAR to make the whole viewingrange a sensitivity area. Click the TRASH CAN to remove sensitivity areas.Click SD CARD to save the settings and click to exit.5. From Live view, test motion detection by moving something or havingsomeone walk through the camera's view. If the DVR detects movementwithin the active grid area, a red person icon displays.NOTE: Refer to the detailed Owner's Manual for other ways to mask areas fromrecording.BASIC OPERATIONThis section covers the most common operations related to recording and viewingvideo files. See the detailed Owner's Manual on www.uniden.com for moreinformation on all operations and specifications for this system.MANUAL RECORDING1. From the menu shortcut list, selectStart Record. A green square displaysin the lower left corner of the live view,indicating that recording has begun.CAMERA0109/15/2016 02:30:35 PM09/15/2016 02:30:35 PM2. To stop recording, select Stop Record from the menu shortcut list (StartRecord changes to Stop Record when recording starts ). The green squaregoes away.NOTE: Refer to the detailed Owner's Manual for other ways to manually startrecording.SET RECORDING SCHEDULETo set up a recording schedule, you have to enable recording and audio on thecameras you want to record (Step 1). After that, set up a time schedule for eachchannel to automatically begin recording (Step 2).