RADIO OPERATIONOverviewThe radio is equipped with the following modes:• FM• AM• SAT SiriusXM Satellite Radio (if equipped)Press the RADIO button, upper left corner, to enter theRadio Mode. The different tuner modes; AM, FM, andSAT, can then be selected by pressing the correspondingbuttons on the touchscreen.Common Radio FunctionsThe following operations offer the same functionalityacross all Radio Modes, and further instructions areprovided where differences exist.ON/OFF & Volume ControlPush the ON/OFF Volume Control knob toturn on the radio. Push the ON/OFF VolumeControl knob a second time to turn off theradio.The Volume control turns continuously (360 degrees) ineither direction, without stopping. Turning the ON/OFFVolume Control knob clockwise increases the Volumeand counterclockwise decreases it.When the audio system is turned on, the sound will beset at the same Volume level as last played.12 RADIO MODE