INTRODUCTION TO SIRIUSXM GUARDIANOne of the many benefits of your vehicle’s Uconnectsystem is that you can now take advantage of SiriusXMGuardian connected vehicle services. To unlock the fullpotential of SiriusXM Guardian in your vehicle, you firstneed to activate SiriusXM services.WARNING!ALWAYS obey traffic laws and pay attention to theroad. ALWAYS drive safely with your hands on thesteering wheel. You have full responsibility and as-sume all risks related to the use of the Uconnect andSiriusXM Guardian features and applications in thisvehicle. Only use Uconnect features and SiriusXMGuardian services when it is safe to do so. Failure to doso may result in an accident involving serious injury ordeath.NOTE: SiriusXM Guardian involves the collection, trans-mission and use of data from your vehicle. Refer to “DataCollection and Privacy” in “Uconnect + SiriusXM Guard-ian” for more information.What Is SiriusXM Guardian?SiriusXM Guardian uses an embedded device in theUconnect system installed in your vehicle, which receivesGPS signals and communicates with the SiriusXM Guard-ian Customer Care center via wireless and landline com-munications networks. Depending on the type of device inyour vehicle, some SiriusXM Guardian services require anoperable LTE (voice/data) or 3G or 4G (data) networkcompatible with your device. SiriusXM Guardian is avail-able only on equipped vehicles purchased within thecontinental United States, Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.NOTE: Certain SiriusXM Guardian services are dependenton a properly installed and operational Uconnect device,cellular network availability that is compatible with thedevice in your vehicle, and GPS network availability. Notall features of SiriusXM Guardian are available everywhereat all times, particularly in remote or enclosed areas. Otherfactors outside the control of SiriusXM Guardian that maylimit or prevent service delivery are hills, structures, build-ings, tunnels, weather, damage to the electrical system orother important parts of your vehicle, network congestion,civil disturbances, actions of third parties or the govern-ment, Internet failure, or the physical location of yourvehicle, such as in an underground parking structure orunder a bridge.14 UCONNECT + SIRIUSXM GUARDIAN — IF EQUIPPED