LISA-U1 series - System Integration Manual3G.G2-HW-10002-3 Preliminary System descriptionPage 82 of 125AT+UGPS command is set to 1 and the parameter of AT+UGPRFcommand is set to 16o Tri-state with an internal active pull-down enabled, otherwise (default setting)The pin that provides the “GPS data ready” function must be connected to the data ready output of theu-blox GPS receiver (i.e. the pin TxD1 of the u-blox GPS receiver) on the application board.GPS RTC sharing:Only the GPIO4 pin will provide the “GPS RTC sharing” function, to provide a RTC (Real Time Clock)synchronization signal to the u-blox GPS receiver connected to the wireless module, setting the parameter of AT+UGPIOC command to 5.The pin configured to provide the “GPS RTC sharing” function will be set aso Output, to provide a RTC (Real Time Clock) synchronization signal to the u-blox GPS receiver if theparameter of AT+UGPS command is set to 1 and the parameter of AT+UGPRF command is set to 32o Output / Low, otherwise (default setting)The pin that provides the “GPS RTC sharing” function must be connected to the RTC synchronization inputof the u-blox GPS receiver (i.e. the pin EXTINT0 of the u-blox GPS receiver) on the application board.