2Chapter 1: Product OverviewUniFi™ AP-Outdoor User GuideUbiquiti Networks, Inc.Hardware OverviewConnect toAntennasRemovable CoverSecondaryEthernet PortPrimaryEthernet PortNote: The Secondary Ethernet Port is reserved forfuture use.FrontLED Indicates the status of the device. Seethe table below for details.LED Color StatusFlashing Amber Initializing after startup.Steady Amber Factory default, waiting to be integrated.AlternatingAmber/GreenDevice is busy; do not touch or unplug it.This usually indicates a process such as afirmware upgrade is taking place.Quickly FlashingGreenThis is used to locate an AP.When you click Locate in the UniFiController software, the AP will flash. It willalso display the location of the AP on themap.Steady GreenIndicates the device has been successfullyintegrated into a network and is workingproperly.Steady Greenwith occasionalflashingIndicates the device is in an isolated state(all WLANs are brought down until anuplink is found).