For RF status:The following RF status shows you that the system is equipped with Wi‐Fi,and Bluetooth functions. If you want to close either of these functions, pleaserefer section for how to disable it.The following signal strength shows you that the Wi‐Fi functionis connecting currently, the stronger the signal strength, the more scale will showon the bar. If there is no module in the system, there will be no status scale in thefollowing status bar.For System Information:The system information shown on the left shows you the utilityversion, BIOS and EC version and you can use them for customerservice when asked.UUssiinngg tthhee AApppplliiccaattiioonnYour T10C has numbers of applications on the control panel for executingspecific command. It provides you to adjust brightness, volume, launch webcam,and switch monitor (via docking).Brightness ControlFor brightness adjustment, press the Brightness icon.