76.2.6 Setting the time of regenerationn Press the MENU buttonn Select REGENERATION TIME using the UP/DOWN buttonsn Confirm by pressing the SET/REGEN buttonn Press the SET/REGEN button, to activate selected digitn Set the hour regeneration starts using the UP/DOWN buttonsn Confirm by pressing the SET/REGEN buttonn Select minutes using the UP/DOWN buttonsn Confirm by pressing the SET/REGEN buttonn Set the minutes regeneration starts using the UP/DOWN buttonsn Confirm by pressing the SET/REGEN buttonn Press the MENU buttonTimeRegenn Select „METER OVERRIDE” (recommended) using the UP/DOWN buttonsn Confirm by pressing the SET/REGEN buttonn Press the MENU button6.2.7 Setting regeneration frequency (in days)n Press the MENU buttonn Select REGENERATION DAYS using the UP/DOWN buttonsn Confirm by pressing the SET/REGEN buttonn Press the SET/REGEN button, to activate selected digitn Set number of days between regenerations using the UP/DOWNbuttonsn Confirm by pressing the SET/REGEN buttonn Set minutes using the UP/DOWN buttonsn Confirm by pressing the SET/REGEN buttonn Press the MENU buttonRegenDaysRegenTime6.2.8 Setting the amount of treated waterThe amount of water which can be treated, can be calculated using the following formula:1263.8 / FEEDWATER HARDNESS (EXPRESSED WITH PPM).PeopleNumbern Press the MENU buttonn Select PEOPLE NUMBER by using UP/DOWN buttonsn Confirm by pressing the SET/REGEN buttonn Set amount of water to be treated before regeneration, set everyfollowing digit using the UP/DOWN buttons and confirm usingSET/REGEN buttonsn Press the MENU button